
A reading room in Nagoya

158 渡辺美代子「ヒロシマ・平和のリボン」


The Peace Ribbon Association is a group of seven classmates from a girls' school in the hypocenter of Hiroshima (abolished school).

You can see the testimony of the atomic bombing. It was a 67-page booklet and was sold at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum shop. The first time it was conspicuous, and when I went the second time, I asked the salesperson and it came out. There is also an English version.

These days, everyone is heartbroken by daily reports of the harsh war situation in Ukraine. However, 80 years ago Japan was a more brutal battlefield. The words of an experienced person are vivid.

ヒロシマ・平和のリボンの会 編集発行 代表・渡辺美代子 1991年

平和のリボンの会というのは 広島の爆心地の女学校(被爆廃校)の同級生7人の会。

