
A reading room in Nagoya

140 論語 The Analects of Confucius 《论语》


吉川幸次郎論語朝日新聞社 昭和40年




"The Analects". Many people haven't read it. And people confidently blame it as feudal morality. They just read the first 30 pages or so, or a biased summary.

"I'm old, I don't see Zhou in my dreams." This sentence is a beautiful word that appears in the second half, but no one knows it. In other words, it is rare for people to read it carefully until the second half.

I try to talk with the real image of Confucius in this book. It is not a book by Confucius, but a book edited by a person who was by his side. Excellent editing. Kojiro Yoshikawa's annotations are oriented towards harmony with postwar democracy, I love them, and I hate other annotations.

《论语》。 很多人没读过。 人们自信地将其归咎于封建道德。 读者只需阅读前 30 页左右,或有偏见的摘要。

“我老了,梦里见不到周了。”这句话是下半场出现的一个美字,却无人知晓。 换句话说,人们很少仔细阅读它,直到下半场。

我试图在这本书中讲述孔子的真实形象。 这不是孔子的书,而是我身边的人编辑的书。 优秀的编辑。 Kojiro Yoshikawa 的注释面向与战后民主的和谐,我喜欢它们,我讨厌其他注释。


